

Remastering. This is work done to a finished (mastered) song to enhance its quality. This is typically done during analog-to-digital recording transfers such as from a vinyl record or cassette although any song could be remastered regardless of recording type (analog or digital).

During an analog-to-digital transfer (which we generally do in stereo), we run the songs through an equalizer, adjusting settingsif needed to achieve the best possible sound quality. If no adjustments improve sound quality (or if no adjustments are wanted) then the song is left as is.

If a record or cassette has some imperfections (such as popping, hum, etc.), often the recording can be cleaned up as we have special software for this purpose. Concersely, if a song is wanted to sound like it is on vinyl, our software can do that too.

After an analog-to-digital transfer is completed, we then set the digital recording levels for each song as high as possible before any distortion or clipping occurring. After that, the remastering is complete. This is our basic analog-to-digital transfer remastering process. Remastering can also involve all the procedures used for mastering as these may be needed for some remastering.

If you are interested in vinyl or cassette transfers or something remastered in general...

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